Digitalization and Automation of Laboratory Processes





Francisco Javier Flamenco Sandoval 3 years ago

Thanks for the presentation Olman. Surely both the digitization of processes and the automation of processes must be very important. In the LACOMET experience, you comment that from 2015 to now, you have worked with the analysis of information in different laboratories. Could you tell us about some lessons learned in this process? Is it possible to improve this type of analysis by digitizing the process?

Envic Castañeda 3 years ago

Is a knowledge of coding important for the use of LabView? This software can make simple things like taking down results from a calibration so easy!

Diego Coppa 3 years ago

Did you consider GNU like Pyhton to implement automation in your laboratories? GNU is free, can be analyzed by everyone, there is much information on line to trust. Although is easy and fast, If you depends too much in Labview, you will always be using them. You are not going to have software independency you must go free, go GNU, go python, arduino or similars

LUCAS DI LILLO 3 years ago

Dear Olman, Thank you for the presentation. As far I understood you automatized some measurements and also the certificates. You mentioned that you used Labview for the measurements, then imported the results with Excel and finnaly issued the certificates. My question is if all the proccess is done auttimatically or you need change from one software to another one in order to complete the whole process. Thank you

Rubén Gil 3 years ago

Good presentation Olman, I would like you to tell me a little more about the system you use to manipulate the silicon sphere, thank you.

José Samuel Ramirez Herrera 3 years ago

Dear Olman, thank you for your presentation. I have a question: the access by QR is just to read the registers or it also let modify the registers? Beacuse to access you need a portable device, such a smartphone o a tablet, my doubt is that with these device is possible to modify the registers or everything is done by PC an then it can be accessed by phone. Good presentation!

Jose Eduin Culma Caviedes 3 years ago

Dear Olman, good presentation. I have a question: In the future projects of M4DT, will LACOMET think to use R software for processing data?

Francis Hamilton 3 years ago

The benefits of digitization of metrology and its benefit to industry and nationally make it well worth the cost in resources (time, energy, money and equipment) required to bring about a successful implementation.

Alexis Valqui 3 years ago

Thank you for the broad and detailed presentation. I presume, you have produced during the year a lot of data and information. Do you have consider to initiate data mining activities?

Fernando Kornblit 3 years ago

Hi Olman. Congratulations for you excelent work! Undoubtely, digitalization and automation allow efficacy/efficiency improvements of the laboratory processes: reduction of costs and times, better uncertainties, etc. My question is: could you quantify in some way those improvements? I think that this is important to asign priorities: which processes are to be digitalized/automatized first

Siew Durga 3 years ago

Thank you Olman for your excellent video presentation. Learning from your experiences and other metrologists will be very helpful in developing our digitalization and automation strategy at TTBS.

Arturo Iglesias 3 years ago

Thank you very much Olman for sharing your experience. I have some questions about the challenges presented. Specifically in the items related to combines different comunications systems, software and digital plataforms. You refer to doing it by feeding, in a progressive substitution, a comprehensive management system, which includes the information, administrative and technical on the same platform and feeding the same database?, or to provide the different systems with the ability to exchange information with each other while maintaining their independence in terms of development, programming language and storage.? Another question would be regarding the development and standardization of image processing. It refers to recognition and extraction of data from image documents or to the use in the capture of measurement data for equipment that does not have the ability to connect (eg LCD reading) ?, or measurements where no electronic equipment is involved, measurements by observation (eg colorimetry, location of a meniscus on a scale, clock type meters, etc.) ? If this were the case, you will use OpenCV-python type development technologies? or you would do your own development using the systems that you already have.? Do you already have defined guidelines for this objective that can be shared? Regarding software validations, do you plan to manage the maintenance of versions and validations through specific software?

Claudi Pecorino 3 years ago

Cuando habla de automatizar lo referido a PT ISO 17043, ¿se refieren al laboratorio como participante, o como proveedor de PT?. Lo mismo, para el caso de Materiales de Referencia. Me gustaría poder conocer mas detalle de esta automatización, si fuera posible.

Claudi Pecorino 3 years ago

Al referirse a la automatización del seguimiento del proceso de un PT, ¿a que se refiere?

Claudi Pecorino 3 years ago

Las aplicaciones para automatizar la información de condiciones ambientales, ¿se han probado también en la industria? ¿Con qué resultados?

Claudi Pecorino 3 years ago

El software de análisis de imagen LabVIEW, ¿se ha probado en ensayos microbiológicos?

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