Digital Calibration Certificate in LACOMET





Alexis Valqui 3 years ago

Thank you Olman. Regarding your open questions, I think, we have to differentiate between the certificate with a digital signature and a certificate that is digital by itself, that means that it comprises the digitalized calibration data not only in a machine readable, but also machine interpretable format. Have you get request or did you see a demand for that type of digital calibration certificates?

Victor Guevara 3 years ago

Buenas noches Sr. Ramos, ¿cómo se puede validar un documento emitido por ustedes? Consulta que me permito hacer por un tema de verificación en una auditoría. Si bien presenta un enlace "exclusivo" para los clientes, ¿Qué pasaría si el cliente pierde el enlace? ¿qué soporte adicional podría disponer?

Franky Zamor 3 years ago

Thank you Olman for the presentation. I understand Olman's approach, and Valqui include the Digital certificate. what does it mean?

Jeremy Mann 3 years ago

Why do you go through the extra step of having the clients access the certificates on a site (using a unique key)? Could you not just email the signed pdf document directly to the client? Also. What do you use to digitally sign the certificates? what software or digital certificate?

LUCAS DI LILLO 3 years ago

GRacias Olman por la presentacion. Segun lo que entendi, lo que implementaron es la forma digital de los certificados en PDF. La pregunta es la misma que relaizo en otras presentaciones. COmo es el link entre los datos suministrados por el laboratorio sobre los resultados de la claibracion y la emision automatica del certificado?? Muchas gracias Lucas

Siew Durga 3 years ago

Thanks Olman for an excellent presentation. How many technical personnel required digital signatures and what were the associated implementation costs and the annual recurrent cost? Which digital signature provider was chosen and what were some of the reasons that provider were chosen above others?

Jose Eduin Culma Caviedes 3 years ago

Dear Olman, good work, I have a question: In some cases, the digital signature is provided through the internet by an external organization, Was it necessary to develop Websivices to integrated with your applications to generator DCC in LACOMET?

Jose Eduin Culma Caviedes 3 years ago

Dear Olman, good work, I have a question: In some cases, the digital signature is provided through the internet by an external organization, Was it necessary to develop *Webservices to integrated with your applications to generator DCC in LACOMET?

Liz Hernandez 3 years ago

Thank you Olman. At this moment, you talked about a “international standard TS (Time Stamping)”, Do you know if this TS is linked or synchronized to the legal time of Costa Rica?

Francis Hamilton 3 years ago

Were your digital certificates demanded by your clients or were they marketed to the clients as an alternative or better approach to receiving the calibration data?

José Armando López Celis 3 years ago

Hello Olman, I believe your next step into the process is create a structured digital document for data exchange and create a very useful document. Now we are working on that. using the PTB structure definition. If I understand correctly the electronic signature is only the timestamp?

Claudi Pecorino 3 years ago

Dear Evangelina and Leandro, I would like to know how the customer of the verified instrument can read the related information. This information must be understood by non-expert people, how it will be presented?

Claudi Pecorino 3 years ago

Me parece sumamente importante, que se haya establecido una ley que de validez y soporte legal a este tipo de certificados.

Claudi Pecorino 3 years ago

Es interesante la diferenciación hecha respecto a la firma digital, y su validez sólo en el formato digital, no en el formato impreso. Como debido a la confidencialidad, ubican el Informe en una plataforma especial, a la cual pueden acceder los clientes, mediante una clave. ¿Cómo supone, utilizar estos Certificados, para realizar una asistencia a los clientes, a partir de la información histórica?

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