DCC Generator in LabVIEW


The DCC generator -Origin of the DCC group and development of XML digital certificate generator. “reCreation by airtone (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/airtone/59721"



Diego Coppa 3 years ago

Muy bueno el video, Aldo. Te hago una consulta: ¿Cómo se integraría este programa a la calibración? ¿Se escribirían los valores medidos, la incertidumbre etc en una celda de labview o podría tomarlos desde otro vi? Me gustaría saber un poco más de la interacción que le pensás dar con los distintos tipos de calibraciones (automatizadas y no automatizadas) Gracias

Victor Guevara 3 years ago

Buenas noches Sr. García, una pequeña observación la imagen se nota un tanto borrosa, tal vez es mi percepción. Respecto del tema, considerando que su división tiene "80 %" del proceso de calibración soportado por Labview, ¿Por favor, podría mostrarnos la aplicación práctica de la emisión digital del certificado? ¿El enlace entre labview y XML generador presenta complicaciones? gracias.

Hugo Gasca 3 years ago

Thank you Aldo for your video. It seems that this application works offline (basically you type the info into it). Can you link the application to the LabView code used during the calibration service? So that it can generate automatically the DCC, if so do you have an estimated effort (in hours) to link this application to a specific kind of calibration service?

Mateo Serrano 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for the video. I think that the final purpose of this kind of certificate is to interact directly with other systems, so the "readability" doesn't care so much. However, if a human user wants to use the values on the certificate will him have to use an XML inspector or something like that for viewing the results? Or may them be converted to a PDF format to give them a better aspect? Thank you.

Juan Carlos Gil Romero 3 years ago

Congratulations for the excellent job, my questions: What was the biggest challenge in generating the DCC under the LabView environment and how does the LabView vs XML link work? (3)

LUCAS DI LILLO 3 years ago

Estimado Aldo, Muy interesante la presentacion. Esta clara la estructura para generar el certificado digital. Lo que no me uqeda claro es como se inclluyen los datos de calibracion en dicha estructura...Cada Laboratorio debe tener este programa para incorporarlo al final de su programa de calibración?? Muchas gracias Lucas

Alejandro Savarin 3 years ago

I find the certificate generator very interesting. I would like to ask you if there is any particular reason to use an .XML format instead of a .PDF. I believe that .PDF may be more vulnerable from the point of view of computer security, although it is also a very versatile format for sharing.

Jose Eduin Culma Caviedes 3 years ago

Dear Aldo, good work. I have a question: Do you have thought to use another option different from LabVIEW software to generator DCC?

Francis Hamilton 3 years ago

This approach to producing a DCC seems very good and collaborative. However, what inputs and feedback has those actively involved in Industry 4.0 provided to support the effort?

José Armando López Celis 3 years ago

Hi Aldo, I understand you have 80 % of your software of instrumentation in Labview, but, why do you choose Labview and not another software like a Python or any programming language on C to create de XML?, for other hand, do you reading the measurement results from the other softwares in Labview??. Thank you

Diego Coppa 3 years ago

Muy bueno el video, Aldo. Te hago una consulta: ¿Cómo se integraría este programa a la calibración? ¿Se escribirían los valores medidos, la incertidumbre etc en una celda de labview o podría tomarlos desde otro vi?

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